Hi SBChiefs,
If you hide a Call/Shift Block, it will be removed from the list of blocks for that Schedule, but the Schedule will still appear in the list of Schedules (in case other blocks are still visible).
When you hide a Block all the shifts will absolutely be removed from resident's personal schedules.
If you want to remove the entire Call/Shift Schedule (all blocks, and removed from the list of Schedules) simply go to that Schedule's Settings tab and disable publishing for it.
The problem is all of the residents used for that test call schedule still have those shifts filled in on their individual schedule even when I disable publishing for that call schedule.
Are you sure about this? I just checked this on my end and I can't reproduce this behavior. If you have found otherwise please tell me specifically which shifts are visible in a resident's schedule that are in a in disabled Schedule or hidden Block so I can fix that problem ASAP.
I hope that helps,
Olivier Forget
Owner and Developer
MedRez.net Scheduling Tool