The Scheduling Tool has been updated with new features targeted at repeat customers.
This version lets you specify how a Resident's PGY status advances from year to year.
For all the details on what this update does have a look at the Schedule Maker's Guide topic entitled "Resident Years and Schedule Years".
Here are some tips for current users:
- Each schedule is now associated with an academic year. Look at your home page and make sure the academic year was properly guessed for each of your schedules. If incorrect it can be changed in the Settings tab for that Schedule.
- If your academic year doesn't start on July 1, you can adjust that in your Account Settings.
- Now that you're properly set up you can edit your residents so that their PGY status is correctly associated with each year of their residency.
If you have any questions or if you see any bugs please let me know here in the forums.
Next update: duty hour rule revisions.
Olivier Forget
Owner and Developer Scheduling Tool