Hello everyone,
The COVID-19 pandemic is here and I know many of you are facing significant medical, professional, administrative, and personal struggles.
Keeping schedules up to date and visible to all who need it is critical. Sadly the pandemic will peak at the exact period of the year when most of you renew your subscription to MedRez.net.
I don’t want anybody to worry about whether they will be able to make and distribute their schedules. So here is what I will do to help:
- If you are a current customer and are unable to renew your subscription to MedRez.net for any reason, I will extend your allowed schedule dates as needed. Simply email me at support@medrez.net with your account name (the name you use to log in) and tell me what you need.
- If you are a new user and you wish to use MedRez.net to make special COVID-19 schedules but are unable to get approval or funds in time, please email me as well. I will happily extend free trial accounts as needed.
Thank you to those who already renewed and those who are able to obtain the funds to pay for MedRez.net.
Furthermore I will do my best to remain as available as I can to help with questions you may have about making schedules.
Stay safe, stay strong, and thank you for what you do.
Olivier Forget
Owner and Developer
MedRez.net Scheduling Tool