Hello there,
I have 2 issues I am encountering with making schedules and using the auto scheduler.
Is there a way to mandate a 24hr period off for every week that isn't averaged over the block?
Also is there a way to have a conference count as a day worked during a week but in a way that doesn't interfere with having a shift that day as well?
We have conferences from 11am-3pm on Wednesdays. Staff can work 3:30-midnight or 6pm-2am on these days as part of our rules. If they are not working a shift I need this to still count as a day worked so we do not have people work 7 days in a row.
Hello upstateem,
Thanks for writing.
> Is there a way to mandate a 24hr period off for every week that isn't averaged over the block?
Not at the moment, sorry.
> Also is there a way to have a conference count as a day worked during a week but in a way that doesn't interfere with having a shift that day as well?
Normally that's possible if the shift starts right after the conference ends (so at 3pm in your case). As soon as there is a gap between conference and shift, the "rest between duty periods" rule kicks in.
In your case, the easiest way to make a schedule may be to run the randomizer on the schedule without any conferences, then add residents to conference where they fit, and move shifts around to ensure the 1-in-7 day off is respected.
I hope that helps. Let me know if you have further questions.
Kind regards,
Olivier Forget
Owner / Developer