Hello Ryan Pedigo,
Thank-you for your question.
A good way to handle this is to create call/shift schedule block dates that correspond to the majority of your resident's block dates, that way the dates will match up exactly for most of your residents. The other residents will be in the appropriate blocks, but marked as unavailable during the days when they are not on "Adult ED".
Another possibility is to create different call / shift schedules for different types of residents. If your Interns can be scheduled completely independently from the PGY-2s and 3s (they don't share any shifts, and the presence of a PGY-2 in a shift does not affect the number of interns who should be scheduled at that time, etc...), then this is a good option.
I hope that helps. If you have further questions please let me know.
Olivier Forget
Owner and Developer
MedRez.net Scheduling Tool